HTTP Methods Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet offers a detailed guide to commonly used HTTP methods, covering their functions, use cases, status codes, headers, payloads, authentication, and more. It serves as a helpful reference for both new and experienced developers, simplifying HTTP methods to enhance the development of robust, efficient web applications.

Here’s a quick reference for the commonly used HTTP methods:


  • Description: Retrieve data from the server.
  • Example: Fetching a webpage, retrieving user information, querying for products.
  • Supports Query Strings: Yes
  • Expects Request Body: No
  • Safe: Yes (Does not modify resources on the server)
  • Idempotent: Yes (Multiple identical requests have the same effect as a single request)
  • Typical Success Status Code: 200 OK
  • Request Headers: Common headers: Accept, Authorization
  • Response Headers: Common headers: Content-Type
  • Request Payload Format: N/A
  • Response Body Format: Depends on the resource being retrieved
  • Authentication: May require authentication for protected resources
  • CORS: Typically allowed for public resources
  • Common Use Cases: Retrieving data, displaying information on webpages


  • Description: Submit data to the server to create a new resource.
  • Example: Submitting a form, creating a new record in a database, adding a comment to a blog post.
  • Supports Query Strings: Yes
  • Expects Request Body: Yes
  • Safe: No (May cause changes on the server)
  • Idempotent: No (Multiple identical requests may result in different outcomes)
  • Typical Success Status Code: 201 Created
  • Request Headers: Common headers: Content-Type, Authorization
  • Response Headers: Common headers: Location, Content-Type
  • Request Payload Format: JSON, form-data, XML, etc.
  • Response Body Format: Typically JSON or XML
  • Authentication: Often required for creating new resources
  • CORS: May require preflight requests for non-simple requests
  • Common Use Cases: Form submissions, creating new records


  • Description: Update an existing resource on the server.
  • Example: Updating user information, uploading a file, replacing a resource.
  • Supports Query Strings: Yes
  • Expects Request Body: Yes
  • Safe: No
  • Idempotent: Yes (Repeated PUT requests have the same effect as a single request)
  • Typical Success Status Code: 200 OK
  • Request Headers: Common headers: Content-Type, Authorization
  • Response Headers: Common headers: Content-Type
  • Request Payload Format: JSON, XML, etc.
  • Response Body Format: Depends on the resource being updated
  • Authentication: Often required for updating resources
  • CORS: May require preflight requests for non-simple requests
  • Common Use Cases: Updating user profiles, replacing files


  • Description: Partially update an existing resource on the server.
  • Example: Updating only specific user profile fields, modifying product attributes.
  • Supports Query Strings: Yes
  • Expects Request Body: Yes
  • Safe: No
  • Idempotent: No
  • Typical Success Status Code: 200 OK
  • Request Headers: Common headers: Content-Type, Authorization
  • Response Headers: Common headers: Content-Type
  • Request Payload Format: JSON, XML, etc.
  • Response Body Format: Depends on the resource being updated
  • Authentication: Often required for updating resources
  • CORS: May require preflight requests for non-simple requests
  • Common Use Cases: Partial updates to user profiles, modifying specific attributes


  • Description: Remove a resource from the server.
  • Example: Deleting a user account, removing a file, cancelling a reservation.
  • Supports Query Strings: Yes
  • Expects Request Body: No
  • Safe: No
  • Idempotent: Yes (Multiple identical requests have the same effect as a single request)
  • Typical Success Status Code: 204 No Content
  • Request Headers: Common headers: Authorization
  • Response Headers: N/A (Often minimal or empty response)
  • Request Payload Format: N/A
  • Response Body Format: N/A
  • Authentication: Often required for deleting resources
  • CORS: May require preflight requests for non-simple requests
  • Common Use Cases: Removing records, cancelling subscriptions


  • Description: Retrieve the supported HTTP methods for a resource.
  • Example: Checking allowed methods for a resource.
  • Supports Query Strings: Yes
  • Expects Request Body: No
  • Safe: Yes
  • Idempotent: Yes
  • Typical Success Status Code: 200 OK
  • Request Headers: Common headers: N/A
  • Response Headers: Common headers: Allow
  • Request Payload Format: N/A
  • Response Body Format: Depends on the server configuration
  • Authentication: Typically does not require authentication
  • CORS: Generally allowed for public resources
  • Common Use Cases: Checking supported methods for a resource


  • Description: Retrieve the headers for a resource without the body.
  • Example: Checking if a resource has been modified since a certain date.
  • Supports Query Strings: Yes
  • Expects Request Body: No
  • Safe: Yes
  • Idempotent: Yes
  • Typical Success Status Code: 200 OK
  • Request Headers: Common headers: N/A
  • Response Headers: Headers corresponding to the requested resource
  • Request Payload Format: N/A
  • Response Body Format: N/A (Response body is typically empty)
  • Authentication: Typically does not require authentication
  • CORS: Generally allowed for public resources
  • Common Use Cases: Checking resource metadata, caching control


  • Description: Echoes back the received request for diagnostic purposes.
  • Example: Testing or debugging purposes.
  • Supports Query Strings: Yes
  • Expects Request Body: No
  • Safe: Yes
  • Idempotent: Yes
  • Typical Success Status Code: 200 OK
  • Request Headers: Common headers: N/A
  • Response Headers: Headers echoing back the request headers
  • Request Payload Format: N/A
  • Response Body Format: Depends on the request headers being echoed back
  • Authentication: Typically does not require authentication
  • CORS: Generally allowed for debugging purposes
  • Common Use Cases: Debugging network requests, diagnosing issues


  • Description: Establish a tunnel to the server for secure communication.
  • Example: Used by proxies to establish a secure connection.
  • Supports Query Strings: No
  • Expects Request Body: No
  • Safe: No
  • Idempotent: No
  • Typical Success Status Code: 200 OK
  • Request Headers: Common headers: N/A
  • Response Headers: Headers indicating the success or failure of the tunnel establishment
  • Request Payload Format: N/A
  • Response Body Format: N/A
  • Authentication: Typically does not require authentication
  • CORS: Not applicable
  • Common Use Cases: Establishing secure connections for proxies

Wrapping Up

HTTP methods are crucial for client-server communication in web development, allowing developers to build user-friendly, efficient, and secure APIs. This cheat sheet covers common HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE, equipping developers with the tools for successful web development. This guide helps confidently address modern web development challenges and enhance user experiences.

You May Also Be Interested In


  1. MDN Web Docs: This site provides a comprehensive guide to HTTP methods, including technical details and practical examples. Their HTTP overview section is particularly useful for understanding how these methods function within the HTTP protocol. You can explore it here: MDN HTTP Methods.
  2. W3 Schools: Known for its clear and concise tutorials, W3 Schools offers a section dedicated to HTTP methods, which includes examples of how each method is used in web development. This is a great resource for beginners to get a quick start. Check it out here: W3 Schools HTTP Methods.
  3. This site is a treasure trove of information on RESTful API design, including detailed discussions of HTTP methods. It explains each method and discusses when and why you might use it in API development. You can view it here: HTTP Methods.

About Anto Online

Anto, a seasoned technologist with over two decades of experience, has traversed the tech landscape from Desktop Support Engineer to enterprise application consultant, specializing in AWS serverless technologies. He guides clients in leveraging serverless solutions while passionately exploring cutting-edge cloud concepts beyond his daily work. Anto's dedication to continuous learning, experimentation, and collaboration makes him a true inspiration, igniting others' interest in the transformative power of cloud computing.

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