
I’m a passionate technologist who loves exploring and experimenting with innovative concepts. My enthusiasm for technology has led me to embark on various exciting projects, each designed to address specific needs and make a positive impact.

These projects represent my dedication to innovation and problem-solving, and I’m thrilled to continue exploring new frontiers in technology. The future holds endless possibilities, and I’m eager to see what exciting ventures lie ahead.

GitHub Repositories

Why not visit my GitHub repositories and see if you find anything useful?

ansible-playbook-lambda-python-s3-s3-eventDeploy a Lambda Function, S3 and S3 Event using Ansible.
aws-lambda-python-send-email-wth-attachment-to-sesThis Python script is an AWS Lambda function that reads HTML files from an S3 bucket and sends them as emails using Amazon SES. It extracts metadata from files, composes emails with attachments, sends them, and moves the files to different folders in the bucket based on the sending success.
aws-lambda-python-send-sms-to-twillio-from-s3Send an SMS to Twilio using an AWS Lambda Python function triggered from an S3 bucket put event.
backup-mysql-dbs-and-files-to-aws-s3-via-bashUseful and highly configurable Bash script to backup MySQL databases, folders, zip them, and then upload them to AWS S3.
bash-script-aws-cloudwatch-delete-log-groupsThis script automates the process of deleting AWS CloudWatch log groups in a specified region. It retrieves the list of log groups, prompts the user for confirmation, and then deletes them one by one. Ideal for cleaning up unnecessary log groups and reducing storage costs.
bash-script-dns-propagation-checkerThe script allows users to query DNS servers for a domain's record types and log the output.
bash-script-docker-virustotal-scan-containersBash script that backs up Docker images or containers, and then scans them using VirusTotal.
bash-script-kill-zombie-processesThis script identifies and eliminates zombie processes on a Linux system. It first detects all zombie processes, then iterates through each one, killing the parent process to clean up the zombies. If necessary, the script will forcibly kill the parent process to ensure the removal of the zombie process.
bash-script-monitor-docker-high-cpuThis script monitors CPU load on a system running Docker and generates a report if the load exceeds a specified threshold. It displays the top 5 containers contributing to high CPU load, overall CPU usage, and top 50 processes on the host. Optionally, the report can be sent to Slack if a webhook URL is provided.
bash-script-wordpress-docker-fix-permissionsThis script identifies running WordPress instances in Docker containers and fixes their file and directory permissions. It sets the correct ownership, file, and directory permissions for the WordPress root directory, and adjusts group permissions for the wp-content folder and its subdirectories.
bash-script-wordpress-docker-run-cronThis script locates running WordPress instances in Docker containers and triggers the execution of their cron jobs. It iterates through each WordPress instance, changes to the WordPress root directory inside the container, and runs the `wp-cron.php` script as the `www-data` user.
bash-script-wordpress-docker-verify-checksumsThis script checks the integrity of WordPress installations running in Docker containers by verifying their checksums using wp-cli. It identifies containers running WordPress instances, installs wp-cli if necessary, and runs the wp core verify-checksums command.
clamscan-dockerThis Docker container will use ClamAV to scan a mounted volume for viruses and send an email or Slack message if a virus is found.
docker-wordpress-customThis wp-config.php configures WordPress using environment variables.
invoiceninja-4.5.34A Docker image built using php:7.2.30-apache-buster and Invoice Ninja 4.5.34.
jenkins-tool-create-mysql-db-and-userThis Jenkins pipeline creates a MySQL user and database, taking parameters for stack code, app code, encoding, max connections, MySQL host, and port. It installs the MySQL client, generates a random password, creates the database and user, and flushes MySQL privileges.
jenkins-tool-create-random-character-stringsThis Jenkins pipeline generates random usernames and passwords based on the provided length parameters. It then creates various password hashes, including base64, SHA-256, and MD5, and outputs the generated username and password hashes to the console.
jenkins-tool-wordpress-replace-site-urlThis Jenkins pipeline updates WordPress URLs in a database. It takes parameters for old and new URLs, MySQL credentials, and the WordPress table prefix. It checks for and installs the MySQL client if needed, then runs SQL queries to replace the old URL with the new one in relevant fields.
jenkins-tool-wordpress-reset-user-passwordThis Jenkins pipeline resets a WordPress user's password on the MySQL database.
laravel-8-site-templateA Basic Laravel 8 site template with login, logout, password reminder, and other functionality.
python-check-all-opensrs-email-dnsEmail Config Checker checks emails account spf, dns, dkim and email reachability.
python-cloudflare-dns-checkerThis script retrieves all A and AAAA records for all domains in a Cloudflare account, and performs DNS and basic HTTP/HTTPS status code checks to verify that the records are set up correctly.
python-dnssec-checkerDNSSec checker for domains to validate if all is OK.
simple-maven-app-for-jenkinsThis Java code is a simple "Hello, World!" application. It contains a class named `App` in the package ``. The `main` method prints "Hello World!" to the console when the program is executed.
sync-local-files-to-aws-s3-via-bashThis is a simple bash script to upload css and image files to a public AWS S3 bucket.
wordpress-plugin-request-loggerWordpress plugin to determine the request headers being sent.
wp-youtube-lyteEmbed YouTube on WordPress for optimal performance