Cloud 101 – Linode Object Storage

Linode Object Storage, as its name indicates, is object storage for the cloud. You can store and fetch data of any size and format, including unstructured data. It can handle any data-intensive storage related to machine learning or artificial intelligence. It is also compatible with AWS S3 Storage.

Key concepts

Access keys

If you want to enable Object Storage in Linode, you need to create a bucket or access key. The access keys help us access objects that have private read permissions. We also create a secret key when we create an access key. Both secret keys and access keys help us authenticate different object storage tools.

The key points about access keys are:

  • By default, the access key has no restrictions, and it can access all the buckets of an account.
  • You can set specific permissions for each bucket while creating an access key. The permissions you can set include Read, Read/Write, and None.
  • If you set a None permission for a bucket, the access key can only list the buckets. It cannot access the objects stored in the bucket.
  • An access key can read everything about a bucket and its objects if a bucket has only read permission set. For read/write permissions, an access key can list, add, delete, and retrieve any data and bucket. Moreover, It can also change any objects in a bucket.

Access control

A user can share access to objects or buckets with other users. And, you allow sharing through bucket policies and Access Control Lists. You can use either of them because both have similar functionality.


A cluster is a set of all those buckets that belong to a unique URL. The storage capacity of each cluster is 50 terabytes.


A bucket is a container to store objects.

The key points about buckets are:

  • A Bucket name or label should be unique within a cluster. And the length should be from 3 to 63 characters. The name should consist of only numbers, periods, dashes, and characters.
  • While creating a bucket, you also select a cluster location in which you want to create a bucket.
  • You cannot delete a bucket that contains any object.
  • You can store up to 1000 buckets in one cluster.
  • A user has a limit of 750 requests per second for each bucket.


An object is any file such as image, audio, video, text, etc.

The key points about buckets are:

  • You can use a GUI-based tool Cyberduck to move objects between buckets or clusters. Moreover, you can also use Cyberduck CLI to move objects.
  • A cluster can store up to 50 million objects.
  • At most, you can upload an object of 5 gigabytes. If you want to upload more than 5 gigabytes, then you should upload more objects.
  • While uploading objects, make sure they do not contain any special characters such as ” ‘ < > & + and =.

Why use Linode Object Storage?

Here are some reasons why you should use Linode Object Storage:

  • They have object storage clusters with having storage capacity from 250GB to 50TB. It makes it possible to store data of any size.
  • It has a low cost as compared to the object storage of AWS and GCP. Also, it gives free inbound data transfer and up to 1TB of outbound transfer.
  • Linode Object Storage provides high availability. In other words, the data replicates across many servers in different data centers. As a result, it increases the availability of your data.
  • Because it is compatible with S3 Storage, it gives the same performance for growing data size.
  • This Storage is ideal to use if your data does not change often. You can store logs, database dumps, store your data for backup, etc.
  • It is also best to use for static websites. You can deploy and manage your website without worrying about the infrastructure.
  • Use of Linode Virtual Machine is not required if you want to use Linode Object Storage. You can access each object with a unique URL.
  • The per month cost for this Storage is only $5, along with the storage space of 250 gigabytes.

Frequently asked questions about

Which tools can we use with Linode Object Storage?

The are many tools you can use. Here is the list of tools you can use.

  • Linode Cloud Manager
  • Linode CLI – a command-line tool
  • s3cmd – another command-line utility
  • Cyberduck – a GUI based tool for Windows and macOS

How much data can we store in Linode Object Storage?

In a cluster, the storage limit is 50 terabytes. Each cluster can store as many as 50 million objects. Also, each cluster can contain up to 1000 buckets. At the lowest level, it gives you storage space of 250 gigabytes for $5 a month.

How does Linode Object Storage protect our data?

It protects our data by encrypting it in different ways. For example, it has a server-side encryption mechanism that secures our data on its own. Moreover, we can also protect our data by encrypting it at the object level using an encryption key. And, to decrypt the data, you will use the same encryption key you used for encryption.

Related Object Storage Services

There are many related object storage services that you need to know. Every organization, small or large, needs to store data. Finding the right cloud storage provider to meet your needs is essential.

Below is a full-list of the related object storage services covered by Anto Online:

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About Anto Online

Anto, a seasoned technologist with over two decades of experience, has traversed the tech landscape from Desktop Support Engineer to enterprise application consultant, specializing in AWS serverless technologies. He guides clients in leveraging serverless solutions while passionately exploring cutting-edge cloud concepts beyond his daily work. Anto's dedication to continuous learning, experimentation, and collaboration makes him a true inspiration, igniting others' interest in the transformative power of cloud computing.

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