How to solve the undefined variable/index/offset PHP error

This guide will you how to solve the notice undefined variable, index, or offset error that you are experiencing in PHP. This error is easy to spot in the warning and error message logs. Consequently, you will typically see a descriptive error message like this:

1. Notice: Undefined variable
2. Notice: Undefined index
3. Notice: Undefined offset

Issue description

The notice undefined variable, index, and offset errors are very common in PHP. So, let’s look at some code examples that will output these errors.

Example 1

Here is an example of a code that will output a notice undefined variable error:


echo $name;
//undefined variable ‘age’
echo age;

Notice that the code has an undefined age variable.

Example 2

Next, we have an example of code showing the error notice undefined index error:

$index = 1;
$file = $_POST['file'];

echo $file;
//undefined index ‘file’

Notice that the $_POST array has an undefined “file” index.

Example 3

Finally, we have code showing undefined index and offset error in PHP:

// Declare and initialize an array
// $students = ['June', 'Abdi', 'Moha']
$students = array(
	0 => 'June',
	1 => 'Abdi',
	2 => 'Moha'

// June
echo $students[0];

// ERROR: Undefined offset: 4
echo $students[4];

// ERROR: Undefined index: num
echo $students[num];

Possible causes

Now, let’s look at the possible causes of notice undefined variable, index, and offset errors.

Undefined variable

The undefined variable occurs due to one of the following reasons:

  • When you try to access an undefined variable in PHP.
  • Spelling mistakes: For example, if you define a variable $student but type in $students. These are two different variables that cannot be used interchangeably.
  • Not following the variable declaration rules in PHP.

Undefined offset

This error mostly appears when an offset does not appear in an array-like in our example 3 above.

Undefined index

This notice error mostly appears when you are trying to process variables not sent by a form.

For example, if you save a posted value using the following code:

$user_email = $_POST[‘user_email’];

The index error will not appear while submitting the form because $user_email can hold an empty string. However, when you access the page directly using an URL, PHP will display a ‘Notice Undefined Index’ error.

Possible solutions

Let’s discuss possible solutions for the undefined variable, index, and offset notice errors:

Follow all the variable declaration rules and classification

When you get an “undefined Variable” error message, you first need to define all variables.

In our example, we have defined both $name and $age to avoid the error. Next, check if your variables have spelling mistakes and correct them.

Note that variables are case-sensitive. Super global variables such as $_POST, $_GET, or $_SESSION should be uppercase.

Here are the rules to follow when declaring variables.

Variable declaration rules:

  • Each variable must start with a $ sign.
  • Ensure there is no space in the variable name.
  • The first letter should be derived from a-z, A-Z, or underscore _.
  • Variable names are case-sensitive. For example, $name and $NAME are two different variables.
  • The subsequent letters can be an underscore, a-z, A-Z, or 0-9.
  • The name cannot start with a letter.

There are two types of variables:

  • Predefined variables.
  • User-defined variables.

Predefined variables:

  1. $_GET
  2. $_POST
  3. $_COOKIE
  4. $_GLOBALS
  5. $_SESSION
  6. $_SERVER
  7. $_FILES
  8. $_REQUEST
  9. $_ENV
  10. $argc
  11. $argv
  12. $http_response_header

User-defined variables:

  1. Variable scope
  2. Variable variables
  3. Reference variables

If you are using a global variable, you need to check if an index exists. For example, you need to initialize $_SESSION with session_start(); otherwise, you will get an undefined index error. Once you follow all the declaration rules and the errors persist, you can try Fix 2 below.

Check if variables are defined before referencing them

When including one file into another, an uninitialized variable can be problematic. It can cause a huge security risk for turning on registered globals. This is why most PHP editors will display an E_NOTICE level error. You can use isset() to detect if the variable is initialized. Even better, you can use the empty() function to prevent the warning if a variable has not been initialized.

The isset() function checks whether you have set the variable. It also checks for null values in your array or array key. Additionally, the empty() function checks whether your array is empty.

The following examples prevent undefined offset error using isset() and empty() functions respectively


// Declare and initialize an array
// $students = ['June', 'Abdi', 'Moha']
$students = array(
	0 => 'June',
	1 => 'Abdi',
	2 => 'Moha'

if(isset($students[4])) {
  echo $students[4];
} else {
  echo "Index is not set";


Index is not set


// Declare and initialize an array
// $students = ['June', 'Abdi', 'Moha']
$students = array(
	0 => 'June',
	1 => 'Abdi',
	2 => 'Moha'

if(!empty($students[4])) {
    echo $students[4];
} else {
    echo "Index is empty";


Index is empty

Hide redundant or undesired error notices

Sometimes you can get redundant error notices, but you have to ensure your code is good before hiding the errors. You can hide undefined variables, index, and offset notices by using the @ error control operator to hide them.

For example:

 $var = @($_GET["optional_param"]);

This is highly discouraged because beginners tend to overuse it. Ignoring undeclared variables for loops and function parameters is very inappropriate.

Wrapping up

You can solve the undefined variable, index, and offset notices in many ways. First, if the variable is undefined, it simply means that you have not declared a variable. You need to follow all the guidelines when declaring the variable to avoid the error. Next, when transferring data to another page, you need to check if a variable is set to prevent the undefined index notice. Lastly, it would be best to ensure that the variables are assigned values to prevent undefined offset error messages. You can ignore redundant errors, but it’s not recommended.

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About Anto Online

Anto, a seasoned technologist with over two decades of experience, has traversed the tech landscape from Desktop Support Engineer to enterprise application consultant, specializing in AWS serverless technologies. He guides clients in leveraging serverless solutions while passionately exploring cutting-edge cloud concepts beyond his daily work. Anto's dedication to continuous learning, experimentation, and collaboration makes him a true inspiration, igniting others' interest in the transformative power of cloud computing.

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