A Uniform Resource Locator (or URL) is a global address for the location of a network resource.
In general terms, a URL is an address that locates a resource on the Internet. A URL can be as simple as a homepage for a company website or as complex as an online bill payment system. Search engines use URLs to locate websites, email programs to find attachments, browsers when viewing pages with embedded images, and many other Internet applications.
Knowing how to use URLs is essential for anyone who wants to access resources on the Internet. By understanding how URLs work, you can make sure that you’re always able to find the help you’re looking for online.
You can use URLs in many ways, including:
- Linking to pages within a website
- Link sharing on social media sites
- The title of a page in search engine results (SERPs)
- To make requests to servers using HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP.