Set up CrowdSec to protect your WordPress site

Let’s find out how you can protect your Docker WordPress site using CrowdSec. You can now protect your WordPress site like a pro in a few simple steps! This guide assumes that you are running a WordPress Docker container that exists behind a reverse proxy. You need to skip one step if you are not using a reverse proxy.

About CrowdSec

CrowdSec Logo

CrowdSec is an open-source, collaborative IP security solution that analyses behaviors and shares signals across the community. It’s like Fail2Ban, but you can share your ban with other users. Sharing bans helps you preemptively block malicious hosts before they cause any damage.

About Reverse Proxy

A reverse proxy is a server that sits in front of one or more web servers, intercepting client requests. The reverse proxy then forwards the request from the front to the back and specifies the original IP in the X-Forwarded-For (or XFF) header. The XFF request header is a de-facto standard header for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through a proxy server. Thankfully, CrowdSec has a built-in feature that allows you to use a reverse proxy and check the XFF headers without issue.

What You Will Need

This guide assumes that you have some working knowledge of reverse proxy and Docker. Thus, you should already have a working Docker setup, reverse proxy, and running WordPress site.

Let’s get started!

Setup the CrowdSec Agent for your Docker WordPress

First, we need to set up the local API and Agent. Both co-exist in the official container:

version: "2.1"
    container_name: crowdsec
      - 49155:8080
      - GID=1000
      - COLLECTIONS=crowdsecurity/wordpress crowdsecurity/http-cve crowdsecurity/whitelist-good-actors  
      - /mnt/containers/crowdsec/config:/etc/crowdsec:rw
      - /mnt/containers/crowdsec/data:/var/lib/crowdsec/data:rw
      - /var/log:/var/log/host:ro      
    restart: unless-stopped

So, what have we just done?

  • First, you created a container called “crowdsec”.
  • Next, you exposed port “49155” to this container. Change this if this port is not available to you.
  • And finally, you persisted the CrowdSec storage to “/mnt/containers/crowdsec/”.

Note, however, that CrowdSec will read the logs of the WordPress Docker container from “/var/log”. Therefore, you need to adjust your WordPress Docker container to log this folder into the Syslog.

Here is an example of how to set the logging driver to achieve this:

    container_name: "my-blog"
    image: "wordpress:latest"
      - 49154:80
    restart: "always"
      - /mnt/containers/my-blog:/var/www/html
      driver: "syslog"

Next, to make life easier working with CrowdSec CLI inside the container, we’re going to create an alias in our shell profile:

alias cscli="docker exec -t crowdsec cscli"

Finally, you should get the IP address of the container because we will use it later:

docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' crowdsec

Install the CrowdSec WordPress Plugin

Now that you have the CrowdSec agent and API Docker container running, you need to install the CrowdSec WordPress Bouncer.

You can install it just like any other WordPress plugin:

  • Find the CrowdSec plugin in the WordPress marketplace
  • Then install and activate the plugin.
Example of the CrowdSec plugin in WordPress the marketplace.

Configure the CrowdSec WordPress Plugin

Now you can navigate to the CrowdSec plugin in WordPress and configure your CrowdSec Bouncer.

To do this, you will need to know the IP address of the CrowdSec container. See the previous commands to see how to do this. Next, you will need an API key to allow the Bouncer to connect to the Agent.

You can get an API key by running the following command:

cscli bouncers add my-wp-bouncer

For example, this command will output something like this:

Api key for 'my-wp-bouncer':


Please keep this key since you will not be able to retrieve it!

Next, add the API URL using the known IP address and the API key to the WordPress Bouncer plugin:

Set CrowdSec local API URL

Next, we need to configure our reverse proxy. You will need to know the IP address of your reverse proxy for this step. Click on the CrowdSec Advanced Settings option and enter your trusted IPs in the “Trust these CDN IPs (or Load Balancer, HTTP Proxy)” setting.

Set trusted proxy for CrowdSec

Test your CrowdSec WordPress Blocker

You can now test if everything is working as expected. First, use another device such as your phone, and make sure you connect to the internet with a different IP address. Then try to connect to your WordPress site. Again, everything should work as expected.

Next, get the IP address of your different device with another IP and run the following command:

cscli decisions add -i

You should see a result like this:

INFO[07-05-2022 08:19:01 AM] Decision successfully added   

Visiting the same site should initiate a display of a message like this:

Example CrowdSec WordPress ban.

This message means that your WordPress Docker container is using CrowdSec correctly. Well done!

You can undo the IP ban using the following command:

cscli decisions delete -i

Useful CrowdSec commands

List Bouncers

To see a list of all the connected bouncers:

cscli bouncers list

Example output:

List Alerts

To see a list of all the alerts:

cscli alerts list

Example output:

Inspect An Alert

To inspect a specific alert:

cscli alerts inspect <alert id>

Example output:

Wrapping Up

You have learned how to set up CrowdSec to protect your WordPress site behind a reverse proxy on Docker. CrowdSec makes it easy to help keep your WordPress site secure.

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About Anto Online

Anto's journey into the tech world began in 1999 as a Desktop Support Engineer. His passion for technology soon led him down the path of software development, where he honed his skills for several years before transitioning into the world of consulting. Today, Anto serves as an enterprise application consultant for a leading SaaS software provider, specializing in the realm of AWS's serverless technologies.By day, Anto guides customers on their journey to harness the power of serverless technologies, helping them unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation. But as the sun sets, Anto's passion for cloud computing takes center stage. He dives into the depths of Python, exploring cutting-edge concepts and experimenting with technologies that lie beyond the boundaries of his daily work.Recognizing that even the most dedicated tech enthusiasts need a helping hand, Anto collaborates with a team of fellow cloud aficionados. Each member brings their unique expertise to the table, and Anto takes immense pride in fostering their growth and learning. Together, they form a formidable force, pushing the boundaries of cloud computing and exploring the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.Through his unwavering commitment to learning, experimentation, and collaboration, Anto embodies the spirit of a true technologist. His enthusiasm for cloud computing is infectious, inspiring others to venture into this ever-evolving domain and discover its transformative potential.

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